Raspberry PI touchscreen I got a nice case with an embedded 3.5" touchscreen from a chinese supplier, it comes even with a small pen for only a few euros and no shipping, it is incredible. The Display is run from the GPIO pins and has the XPT20It works with jessie more
Sieve filters with docker mailserver I've been playing around with the tvial/docker-mailserver container to host multiple email domains with a lot and I mean a lot of aliases. I use an alias for every service or site. I find this useful if the service is hacked or the address is sold and
Docker Compose and Update I use docker-compose to manage my standalone docker host(s). It is a convenient way to configure multiple containers and the docker-compose.yaml can be version controlled, which is also nice if you keep changing and experimenting with it. After you have created a docker-compose.yaml file all it takes
Central Logging Revisited In my former post [../central-logging-in-the-dockersphere/] about collecting logs from running containers, I thought fluentd was a good choice as it was so much lighter then logstash as a log shipper and 'enricher'. But as I was trying to parse postfix logs from a mailserver container for which exists
RasberryPi Terrarium I use a Pi Zero for the management of a terrarium with crested gecko's, by using the terrariumPI [https://github.com/theyosh/TerrariumPI] software by theyosh. It has support for almost all sensors you could ever want in a greenhouse/terrarium and has a nice webbased managment interface.
Central logging in the dockersphere As I recently decided to go all docker on a VPS I have. I also wanted to have a central logging instance with elasticsearch as backend. The mail service container I was considering already had some filebeat support for elasticsearch but I wanted to be able to collect the logs
Improved Initiative Improved Initiative [https://www.patreon.com/improvedinitiative] is a great (nodejs) app, that makes the running of a Dungeons and Dragons game a breeze for a DM. It is made by Evan Baily and lucky for us he made it opensource. You can download the 'app' from github